

Adaptive 3D artist with relevant knowledge using programs such as Blender, Unity, and Autodesk Maya. BA(Hons) Virtual Reality graduate with understanding of the development and implementation of VR technology. Avid writer, with popular online published works.

Employment History:

Intern – Tin Horse Design Ltd (March 2017)

Learned design processes alongside two other interns and co-operated with them in brainstorming, designing, and creating a product based on a given brief.

Public Relations & Social Media Manager/VR Supervisor – Omescape (November 2021 – July 2023)

Instruct and supervise customers on the fundamental handling of VR experiences and equipment, as well as troubleshoot any possible technical issues throughout their experiences. I also handled multiple social media accounts for the business, creating engaging content as well as responding the queries and reviews of our business.

VR Specialist & Supervisor – DNAVR (July 2023 – Present)


Upper Second Class Honours (BAHons Virtual Reality) – University of the Arts, London 2023

Relevant Skillsets:

Experience programming in C# in Unity for virtual reality development and animation

Experience in app development for augmented reality applications

Experience using and altering motion capture data for animations

Prior work in team-based projects, including experience working alongside an international team

Experience using Autodesk Maya and Blender for animation and 3D modeling



(Unity C#) Developed a VR music video experience

(Autodesk Maya) Collaborated with individuals based worldwide to create a VR based holiday experience in the ‘Global Campus Studio’

(Unity C#) Focus! A VR Game About Writer’s Block

(Unity C#) Hybrid Hands – Development of a hand based VR system for adaptive and creative gameplay

(Autodesk Maya) Developing and animating a character using Mocap, Various modeling projects

(Unity C#) Llama Drama – A tower defense/puzzler VR game with robots, office jobs, and llamas being designed and made alongside a team of my peers

(Blender) Worked on multiple commissions based pieces for customers based off specific briefs. Discussed alterations and revisions in the ultimate goal of delivering a high quality product

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